3 Simple Tricks To Fix Foggy Car Windows

When it comes to a harsh winter, you already know getting your car started in the morning is going to be rough. Not only that, but it’s chilly as well! Whenever you can make use of a little trick to make your morning routine easier, it’s ideal to implement it as fast as possible. One of the best things I’ve ever come across has to be the sock trick (for those pesky fogged up windows).

Foggy car windows fixThe trick itself is very straightforward, and you only need to make the “mechanism” (for lack of a better word) one time. When you’ve gone through the construction process once, you can just leave it inside all winter – let it work its fog-bashing magic. All you need to do is FILL A SOCK WITH KITTY LITTER!

Kitty litter was made specifically to absorb moisture, as is necessary when it comes to your cat’s litter box. It absorbs the moisture in the air around it, and when there isn’t any extra air trapped inside of your vehicle, there’s going to be essentially no fog to worry about. Condensation only exists because of the moist air in your car, and the sock filled with kitty litter can easily revert that.

This works perfectly in the winter because the outside temperature clashes with the one inside of your car (which is warmer), creating the condensation effect you see on so many car windows. This is the same problem that also occurs when you’re getting ready on a cool day during the summer.

Who would’ve thought that a sock and kitty litter could have made mornings much easier? It’s crazy, but try the trick out for yourself and record the results!

You’ll probably be surprised..

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