The People Who Live On This Island Kill Anybody Who Tries To Come Ashore

Sentinelese are an indigenous people of the Andaman Islands, in the Bay of Bengal. They inhabit North Sentinel Island, which lies westward off the southern tip of the Great Andaman archipelago. They are noted for resisting attempts at contact by outsiders. The Sentinelese maintain an essentially hunter-gatherer society subsisting through hunting, fishing, and collecting wild plants. There is no evidence of either agricultural practices or methods of producing fire. (wiki)

The Sentinelese hold javelins as they see outsiders approaching.
sentinelese people

An indigenous tribe has lived on North Sentinel Island with limited contact from the outside world for the past 60,000 years. Anybody who has tried to contact the Sentinelese people has been killed or at least drawn a violent reaction from the community. The island which rests in the Indian Ocean is so dangerous for outsiders to attempt to visit that India’s government has established a three-mile exclusion zone to prevent more violence. The tribe rejects modern civilization and actually prefers their no-contact status quo. Any visitors are attacked – from the two fishermen that lost their lives after fishing illegally within the exclusion zone to low-flying planes… the indigenous tribe is more than hostile towards outsiders. They violently rebut them.


Photo taken by the Indian Coastguard after a member of the Sentinelese tribe fired an arrow at their helicopter – sent to the island on a tsunami relief effort in 2004.

sentinelese people


Satellite photo of the island – which is the size of Manhattan.

sentinelese people

The island is located within the Bay of Bengal.

sentinelese people

sentinelese people

This image shows a tree canopy. As the tribespeople have not had contact with outsiders in so long.

sentinelese people

sentinelese people
This photo from Google Maps shows a shipwreck which resulted in many deaths when the sailors clashed with the tribespeople.

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