10-Year-Old Boy Writes Powerful Poem About How It Feels To Live With Autism

When 10-year-old Benjamin Giroux was given a homework assignment to write a poem, Benjamin used it as an opportunity to show other what it’s like to live with autism.

autism poem

Benjamin has always felt ‘different’ when compared to his peers. He just wishes he could be treated the same as everyone else.

In a poem titled “I Am,” Benjamin tried his best to illustrate what his life is like with autism. 

autism poem

“Imagine reading lines such as “I feel like a boy in outer space / I touch the stars and feel out of place” or “I say I ‘feel like a castaway’ / I dream of a day that thats okay.” As a parent, hearing these words from your child will choke you up” said Benjamin’s Dad Sonny.

Sonny said that he and his wife were proud of their child for writing such a poem. “We were both so proud, and yet so heartbroken, that this was how he felt.”

The poem has gone viral on the Internet since it was first posted. The National Autism Association highlighted Benjamin’s poem and shared it with all of its followers. People all over the world can get a better understanding of what it’s like to live with autism.

This is all thanks to Benjamin and his touching poem!


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