Items Most Of Us Grew Up With, But Would Baffle The Minds Of Today’s Kids

8. TV Guide Magazine

old school concepts

There was a brief window in history when there were so many channels it was hard to keep track of what was on, but the TV guide channel hadn’t been added yet. Nowadays,  you can plan weeks ahead using the guide built into your cable box. 

9. Library Card Catalogues

old school concepts

Wish your grand kids good luck if they ever have to use one of these things. Compared to typing a book or author’s name into the library’s computer, these were a nightmare. Technically you can still use these, and a few libraries still keep their old catalogs updated, but most of them have been gotten rid of because they take up so much space!

10. Tube Testers

old school concepts

You’re either looking at this picture and thinking “Oh yeah!” or “What the heck is this thing?!” Apparently old vacuum tubes went on the fritz so often that grocery stores and pharmacies would buy one of these machines so people could test which ones were malfunctioning. You may still be wondering why people owned so many vacuum tubes. They’re what made old TVs work!

11. 45 RPM Adapter

old school concepts

People bought so many of these that if you clean out any crawlspace in America right now you’re guaranteed to find a few laying around. If you wanted to play a seven inch single record, you needed one of these so it would fit with your record player. 

12. Church Key

old school concepts

Pop tops and twist-off bottle caps have been around so long, it’s hard to remember a time when people had to carry these around just to open their soda can. Sure, there was something cool about popping open a can with one of these, but to be honest we’re happy we don’t have to bother with it anymore.

13. Skate Keys

old school concepts

Did you ever use one of these? If you owner a pair of old fashioned roller skates I know you did, because you needed one to adjust the size. If you lost yours a screwdriver would work in a pinch, but there’s a handy hole you can loop some string through and make a necklace.

old school concepts


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