How To Tell If You Are An “Old Soul”

7. You Think Through The Important Decisions
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You make sure you take the proper amount of time to sit on life’s really important decisions. It’s the life-changing choices, like making a big move, that cause you to stop and truly weigh all your options.

8. You Love Stories
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Although you may be an introvert, you love to hear stories from people who have lived longer than you.  You realize that the longer they’ve lived, the more stories they have to tell. 

9. Knowledge Is So Important To You
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Learning new things is very exciting for you. Doesn’t matter if it’s through literature, music, art, math, science, current events, or anything else, you always have an open mind. 

10. You Know How To Remain Calm
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Being stressed out and nervous all the time makes no sense to you. 

11. You Are Very Giving
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You know that life is about giving and paying it forward.  When you share your time, money, or worldly possessions with others, it brings you great joy.

12. You Can Be The Model Of Sophistication
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You wouldn’t think of wearing sweatpants to work because you understand the importance of carrying yourself with pride.


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