The Surprising Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Have you ever read about apple cider vinegar and its health benefits? You may also have heard that it is harmful. Our guide aims to clear up the confusion, so we’ve provided a recipe for an apple cider vinegar drink if you’re curious to try one out!

Apple cider vinegar is made from crushed apples which are fermented to create acetic acid. It has been used for health benefits since ancient times and can be consumed in cooking or as drinks. You can enjoy these potential benefits by simply cooking with apple cider vinegar but you may also try an Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe-with some caveats! There are also two types of vinegar: white and Apple cider vinegar.

apple cider vinegar

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

The benefits of apple cider vinegar have been a folk remedy for many years. However, scientists are still studying its advantages today. They may help with:

-Energy booster
-High blood pressure
-Sore throat or congestion
-High blood sugar
-Weight loss
-Stopping infection
-Several beauty benefits if used externally

Here Are Some Common Apple Cider Vinegar Questions:

Can I Consume Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day?

Some proponents of ACV recommend taking 1-2 tablespoons per day, whether in a drink or with food. Because it is a remedy that has not been proven to be safe for use during pregnancy, you should check with your doctor before using this as part of your daily health care routine.

What Is The Right Time To Drink Apple Cider Vinegar, Morning or Night?

Drinking apple cider vinegar in the morning or before a meal can aid weight loss by making you feel full faster.

Is It Safe To Take a Shot of Apple Cider Vinegar?

If you take shots of apple cider vinegar alone, it can have dire consequences. It has a high acidic content and could hurt the enamel on your teeth as well damage tissues lining your esophagus or lungs. Dilute ACV with water to avoid this outcome!

Can You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar on an Empty Stomach?

Drinking diluted apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach is recommended because it allows your body to absorb the nutrients faster. Just wait about 20 minutes after drinking ACV before you eat so that all of its health benefits can be absorbed by your body.

Here’s How to Make an Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

The ratio:

-1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (We like Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar)
-8 ounces water

Even if the vinegar drink tastes really bad, you can add a squeeze of honey and/or a dash of cinnamon or ginger to make it more palatable.

Although ACV can be slightly acidic, it is generally considered safe to drink. However, you may want to sip the beverage slowly and through a straw if drinking daily for long periods of time in order to prevent enamel erosion from its acidity!

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