Father And Daughter Reunite After 24 Years, What They Have In Common Astounds Them Both

What can be harder than to make the decision to give a newborn baby up for adoption? Yet for many very young parents, they know they are truly giving their child the best shot at a wonderful life. Still, it’s a bittersweet decision, and one that they will have to live with until they die.

baby adoptionFor Will Roberson, that decision had been heart-breaking indeed. But Will was in the throes of an enveloping addiction to booze, and knew he couldn’t take care of a daughter when he could barely take care of himself. So, he signed over the parental rights to his beautiful baby girl, hoping that someday, they might come together again.

Little did he know at the time under what unusual circumstances that would be.

Will continued to fight his alcohol demons, however, for many years after his daughter was born. It wasn’t until 2004 that he was finally able to take control of his life once more, and in doing so, found his own true purpose on Earth: to minister to others who were also struggling, with addiction, homelessness, and fear.

At Arizona’s Phoenix Rescue Mission, Will connected with the purpose and goals of the organization, and moved quickly from volunteer to preacher. And still, he never forgot about his baby, wondering where she was and how she was doing. He counted her birthdays as they flew by, and hoped she was doing well with her new family.

“It’s been a constant prayer that God would lead me into her life,” Will told Fox 10 News in Phoenix.

Meanwhile, his daughter, now Amy Roberson, had blossomed into an exceptionally beautiful young lady. And Amy, too, longed to connect to the father she had never met, wondering what he was like and if he ever thought about her.

“It took a lot for me to make the phone call,” Amy said. “I was really nervous, but it was definitely something that I felt like I needed to do.”

And make the call she did, after following a social media trail that connected her to siblings and through them, to Will. Her father was ecstatic when the call came in.

“The only thing I could tell her was ‘Everything’s going to be ok,” said Will, who admitted his “heart was beating through his chest” when he got the call.

That was four years ago, when Amy was 24. As the duo got to know one another better, they soon learned the astounding fact that they both volunteered at the exact same mission in Phoenix! What a beautiful connection, to know they were both on Earth to serve and care for others who truly needed their help.

Now Amy and Will are inseparable, making up for all the years they lost. Which goes to show that you should never, ever give up hope, for many special prayers are answered.


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