Red Wine & Yoga Keep This 105-Year-Old Woman Healthy

Eileen Ash was born on October 30, 1911,  and lives in Norwich, England. The former English women’s cricketer is a young 105, incredibly active and shows no sign of slowing down.

Eileen’s Secret: In her most recent interview, Eileen shared her simple secret to living a long life.

Yoga, a Balanced Diet, and Red Wine

Eileen regularly attends yoga classes and has done so for the past thirty years. 

Yoga “helps your brain because you have to think and …improves your muscles,” says Eileen. ”You know you just feel fit.”

When asked if she wakes up with aches and pains, she answered, full of life: “Not yet, when I’m older I will, apparently, but what is old?”

In addition to exercise and her balanced diet, Eileen attributes the healthy life to two glasses of red wine almost every day.



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