3-Year-Old Suffered From Continually Growing Facial Tumor, Her Transformation After Surgery Is Incredible…

3-year-old Melyssa Delgado Braga has had a large mass on her face for as long as she can remember. The poor girl’s jaw had been taken over by a 5-pound tumor that was growing out of control. Although it was non-cancerous and technically benign, the tumor displaced her tongue, which made it difficult for the young toddler to eat and breathe.

facial tumor surgery

Sadly, doctors from their native Brazil told Melyssa’s parents that they could not operate on the tumor. This was no way for a child to live! Melyssa’s mother knew that things would only continue to get worse, so she reached out to social media with desperate pleas for help. Doctors at Louisiana State University answered her prayers and generously offered the family free surgery in a bid to improve the child’s quality of life.

facial tumor surgery

It took a team of professionals over eight hours to remove the tumor and stitch her face back together again. However, the final result was not what the parents were expecting at all. They immediately broke down in tears when they saw what kind of results you can get with “free” surgery in the US. It turns out that their daughter’s new appearance went above and beyond their wildest dreams!

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