The Ghost of Kyiv Is Real

The so-called Ghost of Kyiv is actually real. There are now various official sources that have confirmed his existence and some even shared a picture of him. Former president Petro Poroshenko decided to upload an image on Friday, confirming the brave pilot’s feat from last week when he downed six aircraft from the Russian government just two days before with one more kill still under his belt. When the story of this ghost began spreading like wildfire, many didn’t believe this to be real.

In a time when we are all begging for heroes, this ghostly pilot reminds us that there is still hope in the world of war. President Poroshenko uploaded an image from inside his MiG-29 fighter jet with its gear already turned on and ready to go – no way whatsoever confirming whether or not he has face paint on (though given what we know so far…), but making these rumors come true nonetheless. This ‘Ghost of Kyiv’ is not only making headlines in Ukraine but he’s been taking care to ensure that his countrymen have all they need. And with this kind of action comes more attention from abroad- especially since other official media outlets confirmed the existence and skillset for this legendary pilot.

The Ghost of Kyiv adds more kills to his list

Reports started coming from a plane downing four helicopters and another Ilushyn II-76 that was carrying landing forces near Vasilkyv in the south of Kyiv. It seems this ghost is already airborne, but he needs to be careful because Russia can catch on quickly if they remain there too long. The former president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko has posted a picture on Twitter that shows a MiG-29 pilot known as “The Ghost Of Kyiv”. He terrorizes enemies and makes the Ukrainian people proud. The jets have been used in battles against Russian pilots six times to date! With such powerful defenders at their sides (including this skilled flyer), it will be difficult for any aggressor nation or entity trying to invade them again – so long as they can find someone brave enough.