Mike Tyson Got Into a Plane Fight

There are times when you’ll find yourself surrounded by strangers while you’re out and about as a public figure. There are a variety of ways people respond to this kind of conduct, as well. Just like Mike Tyson plane fight, you… well, you just hit them.

Passenger Mike Tyson got into a confrontation with a fellow traveler onboard the aircraft.

When Mike Tyson grew irritated with a passenger sitting next to him on a recent trip from San Francisco to Florida, the former heavyweight champion of the world unleashed a flurry of blows on the man’s face while bystanders attempted to calm him down.

mike tyson plane fight

According to the San Francisco Police Department, officers arrived at the site of the brawl and apprehended two people engaged in the incident. An individual was reportedly treated for injuries, but they were uncooperative with officials and provided little information about what happened.

According to a report in the New York Daily News, a person who claimed to be on the same aircraft as Tyson noticed that he was cordial with everyone and even snapped a photo with him. When the guy seated next to Mike Tyson kept bothering him, he was warned to stop. He turned back and started striking the guy in the head many times when he didn’t comply with that order.

Passengers talked to police after the brawl, according to reports. After the event, his head was covered in blood. At the time of this writing, neither Mike Tyson nor a member of his staff has commented on the plane brawl.

In the past, Mike Tyson has been involved in similar confrontations with supporters. After security personnel interfered, a fan at a comedy concert attempted to attack Tyson and then drew a pistol. As soon as the situation had calmed down a little, Mike even offered the guy a hug.

During the Floyd Mayweather/Manny Pacquiao weigh-in, an exuberant fan tried to grab Mike for a picture without the boxer’s consent, placing his arm around the pugilist. Mike was obviously enraged by the intrusion on his personal space, as he launched an elbow at the man.

Supporters of Mike on social media expressed concern that, despite his repeated efforts to cease being touched, whatever transpired may have entailed physical touching and excessive contact.