She Rips The Military On Facebook, But This Marine’s Response Is Priceless…

Facebook is a social media site where many people offer their opinions of world events, even when they aren’t always asked what they think. Miley Hayes decided to rip apart the military on her Facebook page. Her comments earned her a few statements by friends and strangers. A Marine also read her statement, and he gave an epic response to what she had to say.

Hayes made the statement that people join the military because they are too dumb to go to college. Her statement misspelled the word “they’re”, using “there” instead. Many people corrected her choice of spelling, including the Marine. While others were commenting back and forth on her status, the Marine seemed to hold back.

military facebook bullyingWhen all was said and done, the only thing that the Marine decided to post underneath Hayes’ status was the correct usage of the word they’re. It was a simple word, but it was enough to make a point in that those who serve the country are not dumb. They are educated people and know how to spell the correct word when talking or typing. Others congratulated the Marine on his choice of etiquette as he could have said negative things about what Hayes made public.

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