11 Shocking Facts That Might Help You To Stop Biting Your Nails

1. Under your fingernails is a breeding ground for all sorts of nasty bacteria. Yuck! 

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2. Nail biting can even lead to the spread of STI’s. SERIOUSLY THOUGH!

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3. Things can escalate quickly when this happens…

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4. You will end up with stinky breath.

5. You might end up with gross gums…

6. Brace-wearing biter run the risk of causing irreversible damage to their changing chompers.

7. You’re likely to grind your molars in to oblivion at night.

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8. Biting your nails causes dental damage.

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9. Sucking or chewing your fingernails only makes them an even greater bacteria paradise.

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10. Nail varnish is effectively poison – it should not be chewed.

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11. And finally, those nails might NEVER come back.

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