When There Was No Bus For This Student, An Unfamiliar Car Offered Him A Ride…

Students who go to Carriage Hill Elementary School don’t all have school buses to pick them up. Gabe and his mom, Kim, have to walk two miles to school every morning and then two miles home after school. Kim is a single mom and full-time student who can’t afford a car. Kim and Gabe had been featured on the local news, when something incredible happened.
neighbor carpool
While they were walking to school one day, a complete stranger pulled up next to them. Becky Novotny, saw their story on the news and asked if she could give Gabe a ride to school.

Now, every day Becky picks up Gabe in the morning and drops him at home in the afternoon! After all, she was going there to drop off her child anyway. What a beautiful gesture!


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