See Why This Mother Glued Pennies To Her Daughter’s Shoes

Never take your pennies to the store and spend them.

Don’t worry; there are plenty of other ways for those coins to make you money. From floor upgrades up to table finishes, it turns out that these tiny little coins can be used in a million different DIY projects around your home. With so many uses and no longer having any guilt about hoarding pennies on top of every jar full of crinkled dollar bills lining our pockets…why not pick one up next time they cross your path?

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1. Many kids want to try tap dancing but don’t have the money for a pair of new shoes. For those who can only afford pennies, it’s an easy way to go without spending too much and risking having no second use.

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2. Kids are always looking for new ways to make noise and have fun. Penny shoes give them a cute yet loud way of doing it!

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3. It is an excellent way to harness the power of pennies. If you have an entire floor glowing with these coins, your home will be badass!

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4. Set the tiles to make sure they’re in place. Use pennies as a guide for spacing by placing them on top of any cracks between your tile pieces and ensuring that each coin is equidistant from one another, so you know how much space it should take up.

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5. You can check your tire treads by using pennies. Stick a penny into the tread with Lincoln showing head-first and see if his face is primarily visible or not. If it’s barely there, you need new tires!

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6. Snails don’t like copper, and their secretions react to the metal with a slight static electricity response. This means that you can use pennies as an inexpensive way of keeping these pesky creatures away from your garden!

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7. If you’re tired of wobbly furniture, here’s a quick fix. Simply place one or more pennies underneath the short leg for stability and to keep it from wobbling, even if that means using glue on those stubborn ones!

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8. If you’re looking for a fun project to do with your kids, why not create an adorable sign out of pennies? It’s perfect if you have all sorts of loose change from saving up.

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9. If you don’t want your curtains to look like they’re about to take flight, use weights on the hems. For DIY consequences made from pennies or coins, combine glue and paper clips with a few on each side of one penny (or coin) for more weight at the bottom hem you will slip into place.

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10. If you’re looking for a fun way to teach your children the basics of math, then consider constructing an elaborate game with pennies carefully hidden around the room. When they find one and place it on their number chart, these young minds will be able to recognize numbers and practice counting!

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11. You can use pennies to create a fun, hands-on activity for children. Fill up a large tub with sterile sand or dried rice and add in some coins – preferably all different types! Give each child their piggy bank, so they have the opportunity to scramble around digging through the grains, looking for treasures.

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12. What if I told you that picking up a penny off the ground could earn someone $75K per year? Walter Michka of Money for Nothing recommends this tip in his article. He figured out that picking one penny up every second, minute, and hour can add to close to $75k per year! Not bad for such an easy job!

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13. Have you ever wanted to have a penny collection? You can, of course, just collect them to collect and admire their date stamps. Plenty of rare pennies have more value than you would imagine, so examining these coins with your kids is fun they will enjoy doing together!

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14. If you’re looking to spice up the look of a dining room table but are short on cash, consider using pennies. It might take some time and effort upfront, but in the end, it will be worth it with this DIY project!

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15. You can create a unique necklace by writing your word on it with just one penny. All you need is the right tools and patience to write out any message, sentence, or phrase that will make for an original piece of jewelry.

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16. Artists are always keen on thinking outside the box regarding creativity and expression, so why not try making a meta penny portrait? This is no ordinary portrait of Abe– made up of many little Abes!

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17. A backsplash is one of the best ways to bring life and style into your kitchen. This copper, penny-covered backslash will elevate any space while adding a cozy vibe with its vintage charm.

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18. Give your birdhouse a much-needed update with this copper roof.
You might be too busy or low on funds to give yourself the benefits of upgrading your home, but at least you can do it for your little feathered friends in need!

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19. You can turn old pennies into something breathtaking.
You may not be able to afford a diamond, but you can transform your penny collection into the cocktail ring of dreams!

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