The Exercise That Burns More Than 6 Times The Calories Of Simply Jogging

It is a new discipline that is gaining more and more followers around the world.

What is it?

Retro-running is nothing more than running backward. While it is a very intense training method, it also reduces the risk of injury in the back and legs. It can help you achieve a stronger and more balanced lower body.

Does it help you lose weight?

Because it is a cardiovascular exercise, it not only burns a lot of calories it becomes a full workout. You exercise more muscle groups, more importantly, the quadriceps.

If you walk 100 steps backward, that is the equivalent to 1,000 steps conventional walking. One lap on a track backward is the equivalent of six laps running forward!

The benefits of running backward:

Tones the legs and muscles

Retro-running not only strengthens your muscles without putting too much pressure on the knees, but it also helps you develop the muscles opposite to your regular running muscle group. Those include your shins, calves, and quads.

It can prevent injuries and rehabilitates your knees

If you run forward, you are continuously making repetitions of the same action. This can lead to a dangerous imbalance and chronic knee problems. Running backward reduces the aggressive impact on the knees and can improve the balance between opposing muscle groups. Not only does it reduce your risk of injury, but it can also increase your performance.

Develops peripheral vision and balance

You can increase your peripheral vision, and balance by running backward. Since you cannot see in front of you, it can also help develop other senses like hearing.

It is very good for your brain

By changing your workout routine and moving your muscles in opposite directions, you will make your brain think and react differently.

It can help improve your posture

Your back is naturally straight when you run backward. Retro-running can help ease lower-back pain resulting from slouched posture when you run forward.

It can also strengthen your abs

Strong abs and a straight back work hand in hand. If you run with straighter posture, your abdominal muscles do the work.


If you are going to try retro-running, start on a running track or a circuit you know well, so the lane lines guide you.
If you jog on asphalt, the best is a circuit with visual guidance on the ground (road surface markings).
If you do not want to try retro-running on a track, you can do it on your treadmill.


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