3-Year-Old Rides His Bike And Gets His First Parking Ticket

Constable Shawn Currie patrols the Halifax waterfront to ensure that the circle is clear for emergency vehicles to park when necessary. However, motorcyclists have been known to park in this restricted area, and make it difficult for vehicles to navigate. 

Three-year-old toddler Declan Tramley loves peddling his bike and exploring the boardwalk. His especially likes to bike over to the motorcycles and check them out. Sometimes, he even wears his leather jacket.

One weekend, his Dad brought him to the boardwalk and Declan decided to park his bike with the other motorcycles. The officer thought it would be funny to pretend to give him a parking ticket. While Dad enjoyed the practical joke, he took a picture of the event.  The Halifax Police Department posted it online and it immediately went viral with millions of people viewing it and laughing along with the parents.



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