Australian Man Offers Rent a Dad Service Ad on Social Media

It’s a sad fact of life but it’s true. There are tons and tons of kids out there who don’t have a father figure in their lives for one reason or another…or any good role models at all, really.

An Australian man’s offer to provide rent a dad services to mothers whose partners don’t help manage children sparked a laugh riot online. A photo of the advertisement advertising his services created a buzz on social media and many said “they’re up for it”.

Jake James from New South Wales said he is ready to offer the services in a bid to try out a “new career move to get away from trucks”. In the advertisement, the man wrote: “Has your baby daddy been acting up? Tired of him playing games? Does he put drugs and his mates before his kids? Get yourself a rent a daddy!”

rent a dad

In the tongue-in-cheek social media post, the man offered an array of services at a “standard rate” of $30 per hour and a “20% surcharge” for Sunday after 4 pm. And extra if someone needs him to be a Sunday dinner date.

In the ad, he promised to be at school pick-ups and drop-offs, “all sporting events” and “up to three activities of the kids’ choice”. James also promised that he could provide “three hours of instructional learning of valuable life skills including car maintenance and mowing the lawn.”

The ad doesn’t end there. He also mentioned that “Private time” is “negotiable upon application”, but comes with the condition of the kids being asleep or out of the home.

rent a dad

It’s unclear if James has received any applicants, but many have commented on his Facebook and Instagram posts saying that they would like to take him up on his offer and asked to know more about his credentials and experience.